PCI Geomatica
PCI Geomatics is the world leader in geo-imaging products and solutions. PCI Geomatics is the developer of Geomatica® - a complete and integrated desktop software that features tools for remote sensing, digital photogrammetry, geospatial analysis, map production, mosaicking and more.
Geomatica Core
Geomatica Core is the base Geomatica product offering dynamic solutions for all types of desktop geomatics. Geomatica Core includes:
Geomatica Focus – a state-of-the-art work environment that includes a fully georeferenced, file-based visualization tool including editing in an easy-to-use interface.
Geomatica OrthoEngine - technology for efficient production of geometrically corrected images and mosaics.
Standard image processing capabilities including:
Image enhancements
Resampling, reprojection and clipping
Optical satellite image analysis including:
Atmospheric correction
Pixel-based image classification
Contextual/fuzzy classification
Neural network classification
Spectral unmixing and more.
Geomatica Prime
Geomatica Prime is the full-suite product that includes the capabilities of Geomatica Core as well as functionality for the following:
Interactive, intuitive spatial analysis tools
Multi-layer buffer creation
Combine (dissolve) data based on attributes
Advanced overlay wizard for spatial, statistical, and suitability analysis
Radar analysis including
Generation of radar brightness
Generation of calibrated radar backscatter
SAR image change detection
Texture Analysis
Multiple SAR speckle filters
Airborne RADAR processing tools
Hyper-spectral data analysis including
Comprehensive Metadata Support
Advanced Model-Based Atmospheric Correction
Spectral Mixing and Unmixing
Spectral Angle Mapper
End member Selection
Scatter and Spectra Plotting
A comprehensive desktop automation environment
Visual workflow modeling environment
Efficient batch-processing capabilities
Command-line scripting and modeling language