inpho Software
inpho's software modules work in seamlessly in tandem with DAT/EM. The modules cover a wide range of photogrammetric tasks including aerial triangulation, stereo compilation, terrain modeling, orthophoto production and image capture.
MATCH-AT provides highly precise automatic digital aerial triangulation based on the advanced and unique image processing algorithms. MATCH-AT is part of inpho's digital photogrammetric system which comes now with its new core ApplicationsMaster.
All the processing steps of MATCH-AT are fully automated, maximizing productivity. The workflow is logical and easy to follow from the project setup, to the precise tie point matching and integrated bundle adjustment, to the block analysis.
An optional MATCH-AT Stereo module is available for stereoscopic verification and measurement of control points and additional tie point creation.
Due to its flexible data exchange capability, MATCH-AT easily integrates into the workflow of any third-party photogrammetric system.
DTMaster offers efficient checking, editing and classification of DTM (Digital Terrain Model) projects. DTMaster is offered as a monoscopic DTM data editor (DTMaster), or as a photogrammetric DTM editing station (DTMaster Stereo). DTMaster efficiently handles large amounts of DTM data with access to up to 50 million points at the same time.
DTMaster works as a stand-alone product, or as part of a complete solution for DTM generation by photogrammetry or LIDAR:
DTM Box combines DTMaster Stereo with MATCH-T, Inpho's product for automatic DTM generation from aerial or satellite imagery.
LIDAR Box combines DTMaster with SCOP++ Kernel and SCOP++ LIDAR, Inpho's products for advanced DTM processing and robust filtering of LIDAR data.
inBLOCK is a new-generation bundle block adjustment software from inpho. It is based on a new design that combines advanced mathematical modeling and adjustment techniques with the landmarks of INPHO in an intuitive and interactive graphical interface.
Some of the features of inBLOCK include:
-A Multi-sensor concept that supports film cameras, digital frame cameras, GPS data and IMU data.
-Robust computation of initial values for fully automatic block set-up; no need for any schematic block information.
SCOP++ is designed for efficient handling of DTM projects of any size, and data from multiple sources including: LIDAR, photogrammetry or any other source. SCOP++ provides unsurpassed quality of DTM interpolation, filtering, management, application and visualization. SCOP++ is well-proven DTM software, suitable for the most demanding of terrain modeling projects.
LIDAR Box is a complete solution for powerful filtering, classification, quality control and editing of LIDAR data. LIDAR Box consists of SCOP++ Kernel, SCOP++ LIDAR and inpho’s DTM editing station DTMaster.
MATCH-T DSM is an automated terrain and surface extraction environment providing highly precise digital terrain models and digital surface models derived from aerial and satellite imagery.
The new MATCH-T DSM surpasses the previous versions functionality by providing a powerful means to acquire surface models - even in urban and forest areas - with highly dense point clouds that till now have only been achievable by LIDAR.
OrthoMaster is inpho's professional software for rigorous orthorectification of digital imagery. It offers a high degree of processing automation and is optimized for performance orthophoto production. OrthoMaster is part of inpho's digital photogrammetric system which now includes inpho's ApplicationsMaster.
OrthoMaster generates high quality orthophotos, (digital images with constant scale) using digital aerial images, their exterior orientations and digital terrain models (DTMs) as the source data. OrthoMaster is versatile and handles both, single images and large blocks of images.
The rigorous differential rectification process is fully automatic. When no DTM available, regular rectification is also possible. OrthoMaster comes with a built-in "gridding" module, for generating DTMs on-demand, from a set of arbitrarily distributed XYZ points or break lines.
OrthoVista is one of the most powerful professional mosaicking products in use, world-wide. It utilizes advanced image processing techniques to automatically adjust and combine orthophotos from any source into one single, seamless, color-balanced mosaic.
OrthoVista automatically compensates for a wide range of image intensity and color variations inherent to image data. OrthoVista computes radiometric adjustments that compensate for visual effects within individual images, such as hot spots, lens vignetting and color variations.
OrthoVista not only corrects artifacts in the original imagery, it also performs block wide color balancing to create one seamless, color balanced and geometrically perfect orthomosaic.